Tag Archives: Twitter

The Power of Twitter

I’ve written previously about why your business should and should not use Twitter. But a recent report from Exact Target really pins down one of the great things about the social network. As the report states: Twitter users are the most influential online consumers, and their influence spreads across all areas of the internet. It says […]

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Sharing Buttons: Breeding Like Rabbits

In the past two days, Twitter has announced a Follow Button and Google announced a +1 Button. These come shortly after Facebook’s announcement of the Send Button in April. The 3 new buttons, of course, can be added on to the Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Google Buzz, Twitter Tweet, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc, etc, etc. They truly […]

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Twitter Is Good For Your Business

You might have seen my last post on why Twitter is bad for your business. The argument basically says that not that many people actually use Twitter (probably <10% of the US population), and it ends up distracting companies from other online marketing venues. A few people responded that they have had success using Twitter, […]

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Twitter Is Bad For Your Business

You’ve probably read stories about businesses using Twitter. As the examples show, there are great ways to use Twitter to grow your business. But for most companies, it’s just a distraction.

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