Welcome To Small Business Shift

You’ve found what I hope will be a great resource.

What’s Here?

Small Business Shift helps companies take advantage of the web. To get started, you may want to read Small Business Online Marketing: Fundamentals, which will provide an overview of marketing your business online. There are some other great guides, including:

The site also contains more opinionated articles. Popular examples include:

But that’s not all that’s covered here. There are also timely news updates, such as the 2011 Yellow Pages vs. Online Search Usage Survey, and web application/service reviews, such as my take on the popular online invoicing application, Freshbooks.

Keeping Up

There’s a lot on this website, and I encourage you to browse around. But a big part of the site is keeping readers informed as the world changes. I highly recommend signing up for the weekly emails, which highlight articles from Small Business Shift, along with some of the best from the rest of the web. You can also stay informed by joining thousands of Twitter, Facebook, and RSS followers.

Getting Help

I make the free blog and emails as helpful as possible, but sometimes it’s not enough. If that’s the case, check out my website and online marketing services. You can get a great website setup on the Small Business Shift system, or receive customized help with finding more business online.

Thanks for reading!