Small Business Shift’s “Around The Web” Section

Around The Web

Those of you who are subscribers to the weekly newsletter should be familiar with my “Around The Web” section, where I highlight useful stories from sites other than Small Business Shift. I also share articles through @smallbizshift on Twitter, the Small Business Shift Facebook Page, and my personal Google+ account.

Most of those stories, once shared, disappear into the social media black hole. So I’ve added a section to this site, titled “Around The Web.” These are short articles, highlighting things I think readers will find interesting or useful, often with a few of my own comments (it’s really nice to be able to fit more than Twitter allows). Based on the first few days’ posts, it’s clear that there will be a lot of breaking news as well. I expect these to be much more frequent than the regular blog, sometimes coming several times in a day.

I am not going to fill up the regular RSS feed with these posts. Here are some ways to follow them:

  • They appear in the lower right on the homepage, and are of course listed in the Around The Web category page.
  • You can subscribe specifically to the feed, through RSS or Feedburner email subscriptions.
  • You can follow smallbizshift on Twitter. Posts will also appear on Facebook and Google+, but not as consistently.
  • You can subscribe to the regular newsletter. The regular, weekly newsletter will get a summary of the past week’s posts. If you choose the monthly mailing, you’ll just get a few highlights from this section, and the daily newsletter for now does not include Around The Web – I’m still working on a way to have post headlines included at the bottom of the mailing automatically.

You can also, of course, go on receiving just the main posts from Small Business Shift, through whatever source you’ve preferred in the past.

I hope you’ll find Around The Web useful – as always, any thoughts about what else would make Small Business Shift more helpful for you are appreciated.

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