Daily Deal Site Revenue Shares

Business Insider interviews an ex-Living Social salesman, now working with another daily deals provider. He says there are too many deal sites, and has this comment regarding the revenue share between businesses and deal sites:

Lastly, a lot of people have figured out that 50/50 is a bunch of bullshit. You can talk a lot of these guys down to 80/20 and in some cases, 85/15.

I think he’s right that there too many sites. The real value daily deal sites offer to businesses is their distribution (email list). Those with a smaller distribution will see their rev shares fall, and some will go out of business. It will be interesting to see where this revenue share ends up for the larger sites.

via Ex-LivingSocial Sales Guy: “There’s Going To Be An Implosion And A Major Shakeout In The Industry”.

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One Response to “Daily Deal Site Revenue Shares”

  1. John Yaeger August 3, 2012 at 3:06 pm #

    Indeed,the market is already saturated with daily deals. My curiosity leads me to question integrity and how one bad experience can radiate too many unpleasant reactions and debates.That’s just demonstrate how powerful word of mouth is, it’s a make or break.